Business Aircraft Flight Hour Trends
From all angles so far, Christmas demand has been historically strong. We have been above 2019 for the last five days. In similar fashion to Thanksgiving, the highest volume day so far has been the Saturday preceding the holiday, which follows the trend we have seen toward longer stays in general and in particular around holidays.
Remarkably, even Part 91 aircraft are trending above 2019 levels for the past week, showing volume levels we haven't seen since the pandemic began. For Part 91 operations, Friday was the peak day.
Large cabin aircraft are also showing the best numbers in a long-time.
When I looked at individual airports nearly all of them are showing YoY numbers above 2019. One exception is Aspen, which is trending below 2019 in light of their negative test/quarantine requirements. All-in-all, a strong end to a year that we will never forget.